3 Questions to Help Solve Writers Block

There is nothing writers fear more than the dreaded writers block. The inability to come up with any sort of inspiration or turn your thoughts into words and put them on a page can take even the most experienced writer and make them unable to write even the simplest sentence. Thankfully, while writers block can make finding your muse near-on impossible, there are tips and ways to over come it. Overcoming writers block can be as simple as answering questions and finding your lost creativity. Here are three questions (that are all about questions) that, once answered, may very well help you overcome your writers block and find the inspiration needed to continue your writing.evan j zimmer md, evan j zimmer, evan zimmer, miami, florida, writers block

  1. What questions did I answer today?: One of the easiest ways to fight against writers block is to simply start writing. Once the flow starts, it’s much easier to direct your efforts and find the path you once lost. People are always asking you questions and one of the best ways to start the spigot flowing is to simply ask yourself which questions you had been asked that day, what they were about, and why they were asked.
  2. What questions am I asked most often?: Just like which questions you’ve been asked that day, finding out which questions you’re asked most often is a great way to figure out your strengths and what you have to offer people. If you keep getting asked questions that are in a similar vein, this means that people are most likely coming to you out of respect for your opinions on this subject. The fact that people value what you have to say means that this could very well be something great to write about.
  3. What questions have I recently answered for myself?: Frequently, writers block is caused by a lack of confidence in what you’re writing and what you have to say. One of the greatest sources of confidence can come from within and you should make a full effort to tap this to its full potential. By looking at the questions you’ve answered for yourself, you can find the strength to continue through this dry spell and find the inspiration to put your words and thoughts on paper.

These are just some of the ways to help overcome your writers block. The list and more advice can be found here.

via Evan J. Zimmer, MD’s Writing Page http://ift.tt/1KIiCve

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